About Us

Woman Entrepreneur – Donna Egan – Business Owner
All Around Active, Inc. Fitness 2 Fashion
It all started back in 1988 with a fabric called… Spandex. Humble beginnings were selling fitness apparel to family, friends and small fitness centers – which was only the beginning of the journey. This magic material – coupled with my drive to be a self-sustaining, female-owned business led to my first adventure owning “Out of Control” Futuristic Fashions in 1989. So much spandex… and such an exciting time. The fashion world was changing right before our eyes with this miracle fabric.

A decade later we entered another era which changed the way we shop today; the E-Commerce Retail World. We launched our first online store in 1999 called, All Around Active.com Fitness 2 Fashion. We held on tight through the challenges and uncertainty of e-commerce and online retail sales and watched it develop into something astounding. We continue to operate an online store that offers elite quality products and services to our customers and gives opportunities for others to join us in the future of the world of fashion. Our level of experience in the industry has led to deeply rooted and valuable partnerships with other industry leaders – which then enables us to bring the very best products to our customers.

Building a business takes compromise, smart decision-making and a continuous belief in yourself and your vision. Thirty-three years later, I think we have proven that we plan on remaining an industry leader and are looking forward to what comes next. Come Shop with us!

